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Minimal Cave

Daily Tracker - A minimal way to manage your day

LifeOS1 min read

Organize your day with this 3-in-1 planner, tracker, and journal on Notion. DailyTracker-Table After trying different combinations of a daily tracker and journal across tools, I built this minimal setup on Notion. Daily pages serve as a building block for reviewing your week, month, and more.

About LifeOS: Daily Tracker

Outcomes you can drive
  1. Focus on the most important tasks (rocks) for the day
  2. Track other priorities (continuous) like health and learning
  3. Review, journal, and improve 1% every day


  • Keep most important tasks down to 2 (max 3) and move the rest to ‘other’
  • Track under 5 priorities aligned with your long-term goals and values

Pro-tip: Build a 10 minute routine with the daily tracker at the start and end of day

You can roll up daily tracker fields into your weekly tracker. You can similarly roll up to months, quarters, etc.

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